Innovation Consulting – the Cubix Viewpoint

Zen Ameer

8 Feb, 2022


4 min read

Innovation Consulting

In this age of specialization, experts tell us that we must always seek professional advice whenever we endeavor to embark on something new. Some of us like to do it on our own, often at the cost of time, money, and hard-learned lessons. But if you follow the advice of people with experience and perhaps do things in an organized, systematic, and optimized manner with minimum frustration, you can achieve your goal quicker.

Organizations today have a much easier time coming up with innovative solutions, but it has also become more challenging for them to complete them and end on a successful note. With digital technology on your side in terms of it being accessible and cost-effective, the means to undergo digital transformation are at your disposal

The best part is that customers readily accept things that are available to them, and this has become an increasing trend due to the fact that digitization has grown more and more popular over the passage of time. However, as with everything good, there are challenges to overcome. That’s how we make progress.

Starting a project is easy

So, to begin with, we have noticed that over the past decade, the entry points have become far easier to get through compared to before. And as a result, all kinds of new ideas have entered the market, but not without the challenges of fulfilling them. There is the competition to deal with too, and it’s not just you who can get into the industry; it’s also easier for many people like you to come in with ideas or replicate someone else’s with a whole new look.

So, all of a sudden, you realize that you need to implement things a lot quicker than the rest if you want to survive. And that means managing a lot of things at the same time, which is challenging. A great many entities tend to start looking at the tech aspects in their efforts and lose sight of the human and organizational important aspects.

Non-technical challenges for those entering the industry

The greater emphasis is almost always on the technical requirements, and people’s requirements, desires, and uncertainty are overlooked. But every aspect matters.

This is organizations need to realize that Agile roles and practices alone won’t do, and that’s because you have people at the center of it all who are the ones you depend on for success. Due concern toward them is important.

It’s important for businesses to realize that they need to pay attention to the process of discovery and transformation processes that are the real reinforcements for all innovative aims. If you do not have these as central elements, the likelihood of failure when it comes to picking up on the right challenges will be quite high. The result is that people may disengage, which can upset everything, and your groundbreaking idea may not get very far.

Managing innovation

When you make notable discoveries, opportunities present themselves, and this is what delivers utility and impact. So, you can easily discern; effective change management braces a company for innovative solutions and ensures business continuity throughout disruption and into the future.

Overcoming complexity when managing an innovation portfolio is the other thing to look at.

You need to monitor business value throughout innovation projects through ongoing inspection and assessment based on results via the product’s life cycle.

In the absence of suitable methods, organizations are tempted to adhere to the basic plan that got them started as opposed to pivoting their idea or halting the project. That’s unintended self-sabotage.

The result is resource wastage, and if there is a product at all, it doesn’t serve anyone well. The organization may be reluctant to pivot regardless of data encouraging them to do so.

You can choose any of a number of ways to organize your company, but you must find out what structure works best for you inasmuch as it drives and reinforces your innovative power while the company sees its gains materialize through innovation.

It’s well-known that structured innovation management practices aid companies to source ideas, make their most promising projects a priority, and assess their gains against all that enabling them to optimize the ROI of the portfolio.

Comprehensive innovation consulting

There is little doubt that managing an innovation pipeline will need substantial resources. Transformation across industries is quite rapid, and they have to be prepared to pivot ideas. Other companies in a position to afford this investment gain from a partner company with fresh ideas, diverse experiences, and match skill sets that aid them with exploring and taking on new opportunities.

At Cubix, the innovation journey begins with something that may not be clearly r extensively defined, such as an idea, a new opportunity, or a challenge that must be overcome. And it ends with a solution, a product that people just have to use. Your company may be at any stage, but Cubix can bring in its expertise that boosts your solution delivery.

Below are a few steps that serve as a roadmap to a solution:

    • Brainstorming

When you have a problem identified, and you are looking for a solution, Cubix brainstorms the situation with its best minds. The team produces a valid scenario that could solve the problem. With experience spanning more than 13 years across various industries, you can come away with incredible solutions.

    • Validation

We look at ideas from all angles and make sure they are aligned with the right technologies that can take you long into the future. It all entails evaluating the potential business value and feasibility of a given idea.

    • Implementation

With design and technical expertise that’s vast and deep, our optimized process with agile methods and practices helps us deliver robust solutions.

    • Portfolio management

With KPIs in place, our team tracks projects with resource requirements at various stages, leading to the most favorable outcomes.

    • Change management

We begin working on your idea as soon as it’s validated, and we begin passing down its value proposition.

    • Scale-up

Our work never comes to an end with deploying a product. Our aim is to make sure people start using it, which is why we help you remain stable well after you have all the whole project under your control and in your own environment. As with every project, we make sure your project is geared for scaling and performing well long into the future.

Finishing projects the right way

It’s easy to get a project started, and you can get people to jump into it after reading a few reports. However, down the line, managing the way things need to proceed is challenging, which may include market knowledge and trends, team design, strategic approaches, and much more.

A significant number end up watching their projects being mismanaged, but a fortunate few end up in the hands of capable companies. Cubix delivers mobile app development projects  from start to finish. With experience and expertise on its side, you get more than you expect.

The bottom line is that you need to collaborate with an innovation consultancy like Cubix to get your projects up to speed and to fulfillment.


Zen Ameer

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Initiate your project
the moment has arrived.