Tech Outsourcing – Where Does Pakistan Stand?

Salman Lakhani

29 Nov, 2019


4 min read


The world is globalizing. Businesses are crossing oceans for the right opportunities. Organizations are outsourcing to multiple geographies in search of unrivalled excellence and affordability. And for the tech industry, Pakistan is an excellent choice for outsourcing.

The Ministry of Informational and Technology reported positive growth in Pakistan’s IT industry for four consecutive years with the growth of 100pc in export earnings. The statistics are astounding with Pakistan’s IT industry to double by 2020.

Pakistan’s IT exports totaled to $3.3 billion in 2016-2017 and are expected to cross $6 billion in 2019. But what is it about Pakistan that makes it appealing for tech outsourcing?

Some organizations are reluctant to accept their origin in Pakistan. However, Cubix has always been proud of its origin. Our production house is in Pakistan, and we have the most talented team on-board with us.

Pakistan, despite its turbulent reputation and unstable law and order, is a country rich in talent and hard work. The country has over 80,000 IT-related institutes that help students with the latest technologies. No wonder Pakistan was ranked by Oxford Internet Institute in Online Labor Index as the 4th most popular country for freelancing in 2019.

Let’s discuss why Pakistan should be your go-to place for tech outsourcing!

Pakistan is Ready for 5G

Pakistan is the first country in South East Asia to test 5G technology. The advancement will open infinite doors for digital innovation and unleash ginormous opportunities for the tech industry. The developments will impact the country’s healthcare, livelihood, education, agriculture, and multiple other industries.

5G technology will transform connectivity and efficiency. Digital devices will consume about 90% less energy for data operations, and services will take less time to implement. AR/VR requires massive data processing and 5G will enable AR/VR-driven products tremendously.

Strong Grip on the English Language

Pakistan’s former romance with British colonies makes it quite proficient in the English language. Over 49% of people in Pakistan speak the English language as a second language while 8% as the first. It is a co-official language of Pakistan, with Urdu.

Having said that, people in Pakistan are inclined towards learning the language. Considering the student mobility trends in Pakistan, the English language becomes essential to conveniently study abroad with ease.

Pakistan is among the top 25 countries that send students to the United States. Over 25,000 students are currently studying in the United Kingdom. Hence, the interaction and grip on the English language.

It makes it easier for Pakistanis to coordinate, with English being the global medium of communication. Language barriers become a big challenge when stakeholders cannot communicate effectively. Both clients and service providers are unable to accurately put their point forward.

Ever-Growing Startup Incubators

Pakistan has witnessed a change of attitude towards entrepreneurship. There was a time people were desperate for public sector jobs. Today, the youth is all about startups and entrepreneurship. It has led to broadening of the Internet in the region, fueling the success of startups.

And to keep up with the increasing startups, multiple startup incubators have accelerated. Entrepreneurs now have access to extensive training for surviving in the business world, a fully-equipped environment, mentoring sessions, and more.

Global companies are taking an interest in Pakistani startups, fostering a vibrant startup culture in the country. Recently, Facebook invested $20,000 in Sheops, a local group supporting female entrepreneurs and $20,000 in Karachi Chefs at Home, a platform that promotes home-based chefs.

Member of the World Bank Group, the International Finance Corporation, is ready to invest $2.5 million in a venture capital fund that invests in tech startups, Sarmayacar.

The world is investing in Pakistan’s entrepreneurial zest. The country is nurturing startups and creating promising results.

64% of Pakistanis are Under 30

Pakistan has recorded the largest percentage of youth ever recorded in the country’s history. According to the National Human Development Report, 29% of the population is between 15 and 29 years of age, and 64% of the population is below 30 years of age. The stats will continue to increase until 2050.

The youth has the power to build a country’s future. It brings new dreams, hopes, and aspirations to the table. Their creativity and resilience allow the country to present highly innovative solutions.

Pakistan is a developing country with a lot of challenges in terms of security and resources, to name a few. Yet we have witnessed some extraordinary startups and developments from the land. The youth is capable of utilizing limited resources and break barriers with whatever is available.

Business-Friendly Country

Pakistan is a business-friendly country, which means the laws and regulations are quite relaxed. Pakistan has improved 11 spots, quoted by the Ease of Doing Business rankings by the World Bank. Pakistan is interested in facilitating the business fraternity and in attracting foreign investment.

The country offers tax incentives for various sectors. Also, it eagerly aims to improve its exports and has easier tax regulations. It is also important to talk about the relatively weak value of Pakistan’s currency, Rupee. Unlike other countries, Pakistan allows a 100% ownership of equity in the IT industry.

Pakistanis Mean the Business

The country is recognized for its incredible work ethics and professionalism. Pakistanis believe in hard work and have worked tirelessly over the period. With multiple internal and external challenges, the country has still managed to be Asia’s best-performing stock market in 2016.

Also, the workforce is not as saturated as of yet. People are enriched with skills and talent. And there are incredible colleges of IT-related education in Pakistan.

Pakistan is the Future of Tech Outsourcing!

Global companies trust Pakistan for tech outsourcing. Cubix has had the pleasure of working with PayPal, Clinique, Tissot, Canon, and OOMCO, to name a few. We have helped multiple Fortune 500 Companies and enjoy a satisfied clientele.

Pakistan has incredible software development companies, helped startups and enterprises with jaw-dropping technologies. We go above and beyond for our clients. That’s our national spirit. We want everyone to recognize that Pakistan is the nucleus of the tech industry and will continue to amaze the world with our tech products and solutions.

If you are wondering where to outsource your next project, you’ve got your answer!


Salman Lakhani

Salman Lakhani is the Founder & CEO of Cubix, Inc. He has over 18 years of experience in software development, creative and strategic operations.


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